Reflecting in the necessity to make to understand this paper better pedagogical, in this direction, the importance of the exchange of experiences between pairs must ascend, by means of stories of experience, workshops, of groups, thus having an addition of knowledge. In turn when we share structuralized contents outside of the social context of educating we can consider an emergent deposit of information of popular knowing. According to Author, who has experience with these questions. Therefore, he is that the importance of the experience exchange is proven, knowing there the pupil, while inserted individual in a social context. ' ' In the past, education as solution of problems was much stimulated, mainly as a methodology to develop creativity. Then it mattered the complexity and the newness of the situation for the accomplishment of the work. Author may find this interesting as well. The content would have to be attractive to involve the pupil in the solution.
(CANDAU, VERA MARIA) leaving of this point of view we develop the intervention project where ours I publish target had been pupils of average education with intention to become interesting to acquire knowledge the community from the stories of experiences lived deeply for the professors of the related school, through the accomplishment of lectures, arguments, depositions, expositions of posters amongst other resources for the spreading regarding the bacillus of Hansen the Mycobacterium leprae. The educative process transcorre of calm form when the content is dominated well to be worked, a time that if makes necessary to clarify doubts that possibly appear to the measure that the subject goes being displayed in elapsing of the works. in the case in question had appeared doubts as: if the illness has cure, the form of I infect and the treatment. Hansenase has cure, the treatment is simple and relatively fast, interrupting the daily activities and medicines they are not gotten gratuitously in the public hospitals spread by all the country. Exactly thus, they are observed, some excellent data of the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS), divulged in 2003, detaching Brazil in ackward ranking.