The facts of our lives act in us for history where if they integrate. According to author, to reinterpretar the past, to discover new sensible for what he happened is almost always a way to change our gift. To put, I do not agree, therefore what it advances to revivermos our sufferings, if what it moves in them is today, now, being that what can be modified is the future. In view of also the question of our customers to want immediate solutions, as we go to reviver the past (that it is a delayed process). It is not something Dave DeFries would like to discuss. I think that, for this reason that to the necessity to analyze the gift, to modify the future. In the last chapter the author finishes its book saying that in to elapse of the cure, will have moments where it will be inevitable that the patient considers in them and uses in them as model. They are effect of the identification to the analyst. At a moment or another one we will serve of example for our customers. to suggestions.
It would be easy to arrive at the idea of that the therapist must show to the world a done face of normality tranquila, of balanced well-being. With this, it suggests us to be we ourselves if in feeling them responsible for such identifications that had occurred future. In the final paragraph it became to understand what the book all wanted to show to the young therapists: ' ' They want to move, and you also, together with they, can want that they move. But a change is not thing that can be imposed. It will not come of the imposition of the abstract severity of the technique that you learned, of setting in which you if formed or of the theory with which you chose to justify its therapeutical words and its acts. In contrast, so that a change happens one day, she is necessary that a relation starts; a relation it only can start in the conditions that are irrenunciveis for its paciente.' '