Style: Joseph Ratzinger resigns “transition Pope,”Hardliners”,”Papa Ratzi”; as Pope Benedikt 16 until finally Joseph Ratzinger Joseph Ratzinger was not poor epithet during his time as Pope Benedict XVI. Hear from experts in the field like Water for Food for a more varied view. However, trying to bring the short tenure of this Pope to a common denominator, as Benedict XVI was always above all one: Joseph Ratzinger – by and by, and until recently in his resignation. The “knowledge” appears banal, and yet she done almost all astonishment at a stroke, this Pope, the Yes previously as Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger was not unknown, has caused during his tenure. Ratzinger’s resignation – despite the many comparisons with Celestine v (Pope from July to December 1294) the only one of its kind – will appear from this perspective only logical. Style: Joseph Ratzinger occurs when Pope Benedikt 16 went back before of his election as Pope Joseph Ratzinger either as chaplains, entered as diplomat in appearance, but – in contrast to his predecessor in the Chair of Peter, John Paul II. – as Theologian. And in the broad field of Catholic theology, the “simple worker in the vineyard of the Lord” bypassed Joseph Ratzinger not any parcel of land, but the King discipline of dogma (doctrine of the faith) and theology base. Karol Wojtyla was not randomly 1981 appointed Ratzinger as Prefect of the Congregation, the Central dogmatic institution of the Catholic Church – he was simply the best-known man in the field.
The project of the church fathers on the philosophical basis of the theology they are busy; basically still taken with the intention of the medieval church fathers the linking of faith and reason. This is and was always the subject of Joseph Ratzinger. The subject of a highly intelligent, philosophically-minded man, which inhabits but also “the faith” as Ratzinger -. “This mammoth project – for the infidels is impossible to think – miles away from what the Catholic Church (and not only them) so long and still mainly holds together: the simple ‘ way to believe that you formerly called popular piety. Here, the conviction of Joseph Ratzinger’s Polish predecessor was the end of his tenure was alone in God’s hands. Blessed are not, see for one such as Joseph Ratzinger make it simple against reason and so Benedict XVI had unafraid, his tenure with a historic act that sets a precedent to stop.
It is amazing that the resignation of a Pope in the Codex iuris canonici, the Central book of canonical law, is actually intended. We then not; because finally the next Vicar of Christ on Earth will again be chosen by ordinary mortals (with Cardinal’s hat). How can this actually work? “Blessed are those who do not see and yet believe!”, Jesus says in the Gospel of John to the “doubting” Thomas. For the Catholic dogma, and Joseph Ratzinger, it was never so easy. Andreas Kellner…